
Many stipulations in the current special immigration categories

The United States Federal Government also offers refuge and asylum to those from foreign shores fearing persecution in their own native place. Persecution Clauses are based on the individual’s race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership of a particular social group. No person qualifies in the category under poverty or random violence. An Immigration law firm is well aware and understands these clauses and can explain them to the concerned individual ensuring he gets to know whether he qualifies or not, and if he does helping him file papers.
The United States Federal Government and Congress have passed laws making green cards available to special situations. There are many stipulations in the current special immigration categories. You, the common guy, would struggle to understand them completely.
The Chinabizlawyer.com knows a lot about tough immigration clauses which a normal guy would often find absurd. Chinabizlawyer.com assists you in filing papers properly, ensuring you get every clause right and your papers are in order. Their paper work is so sublime you never run into trouble with the authorities till your stay in China.

