The motherboard in Chinese market is increasing,however, it still can’t change the situation that the whole requirements of motherboard are decreasing. motherboard suppliers have to do dramatically update toward their products or technologies.
Besides, one of the famous motherboard suppliers in the word, GIGA seems to face a better future, the shipment of its motherboards is predicted to enlarge, comparing to last year. Even though Intel denied that the later processor will no longer work with the free plug, there is still some intentions that it will be true, besides, the fact that operation space of the motherboards are smaller and smaller, therefore, the motherboard market of 2013 is supposed to be depressed. So motherboard shop need to do update your technologies and adjust your prices of the motherboards, it will be a newer world, the outdate sales modes are not suitable any more, and I believe that they will use the e-commerce mode to give you a better service.