
More and more are now utilizing LED lighting

Mercury or hydrargyrum is a known substance coming from cinnabar or mercuric sulfide. It is a highly toxic chemical that can be obtained through inhaling or ingestion of the dust. Once CFLs are disposed, the mercury it contains will mix with the soil and makes it reddish in color. A lot of landfills are now prohibiting the disposal of mercury in the area. Users of CFLs are advised to recycle or just keep the busted CFLs for future processes.
One of the candidates to replace the two is the LED light bulbs, which are widely known to last for a longer period of time, with no additional cost for its maintenance and most of all consumes only a fraction of energy as what the other two requires. It is safer to use because it doesn’t contain harmful chemical compounds just to produce light and emits heat very minimally. More and more are now utilizing LED lighting as a substitute for the conventional lighting system and experience its practical advantages that are known to answer the energy and environmental issues of the other two conventional lighting systems. It is likely that in the years to come, a lot of users had already switched to LED lighting, providing light to every possible corners of the earth.

