GA-H77-DS3H adopts the standard ATX board shape, with the blue PCB basic board; it meets the fashion trend and frees our mind. It provides the HDMI video output port and 4 USB3.0 connectors. As for the power supply, it adopts 5-phase circuit to meet the standard of Intel VR12 power supply; it uses the overall sealing inductance and Mosfet to maintain the steady processor power supply. That is why it is always the choice in our motherboard shop for the basic fulfillment.
The nowadays consumers choose DIY computers in order to reduce their investment toward the computers and meet their budgets toward daily usage. How to DIY your most suitable computers? Well, it all depends on your requirements; the most important thing is to choose the motherboard that you need most, for example, as for the game players who don’t need overmath performance, if they select a high-end motherboard, it will waste a lot of performance of this motherboard, therefore, there is a motherboard which is special for game players who don’t need the overmath, GIGABYTE GA-H77-DS3H, now, it is 885 Yuan in our shop to Buy motherboard 4 DDR3 RAM slots, 3 SATA2 and 2 SATA3 disk ports, also, there are 2 USB3.0 front extended USB3.0. GA-H77-DS3H motherboard shares good stability and reasonable price, at the same time, the rich slots and connectors make users experience the advance feeling, keep on focusing on our motherboard shop, there will be more surprise.